Reprograming Scarcity Mindset (as an Artist) in 3 Simple Steps

Have you ever been told: “You’re not going to make money doing art”

Growing up I heard this thought A LOT.

I still hear my dad’s voice in my head asking “How are you going to make money with your art?”
Which is a viable question - money is important!

But my little brain translated that into the implied belief that my art won’t be enough… that what I have to offer isn’t enough.

This is scarcity mindset.

And it plagues so many creatives.

So how can you let go of this deeply rooted limiting belief? 

Here are my 3 Simple Steps to Reprogram Scarcity Mindset (as an Artist):

Step 1:

Realize that of course you would struggle with believing that you can make a sustainable income with your work.

Our society is not set up in a way that supports artists. 

We are trained from a young age to fit in, be “normal”, get good grades, color inside the lines, have good manners, and do what your boss says.

💡 But artists are innovators.
👁️ Artists are visionaries.

🔥 Artists are rebels.

Step 2:

Have compassion for yourself.

Of course this is hard! You are reprogramming years and years of imprinted beliefs that told you some version of “you are not going to make money doing art”.

So give yourself a little self love and gratitude for being so courageous!

Which brings me to

Step 3:

Connect with your why - this will help you stay committed.

- Why do you make art?
- Why do you create?
- What is the impact of your work?
- When you make an impact with your work how does that make you feel?

The world needs your work. 

There’s no one else who can do it quite like you. 

And when you go after your dreams you inspire younger versions of yourself to go after theirs.

You may be saving someone’s life by sharing your work with the world.

It’s that serious.

And knowing that you can shift from “Can I do this?” to “I have to do this” 

Now get out there and share your work!

And if you need help figuring out how to translate all of this into actual money, I’m your girl!
I help creatives master their mindset and make money doing work they love.

Book a FREE Career Strategy Consultation now. 

Lauryn Hill