3 Reasons Why Being Prosperous on Purpose Works

As a kid growing up, I used to love reading those choose-your-own-adventure books. And still, to this day, I find excitement in picking a book at random, closing my eyes, opening to a page that feels aligned, and pointing to a passage. To me, it feels kind of like a tarot card reading, reflective of adventure with insight based on something I chose with my current energy state. 

Are you still with me? 


Because working with me 1:1 as your private coach has a similar “choose your own adventure” energy to it. There’s a framework – a step-by-step structure that I’ve created and what I walk each of my clients through. But make no mistake – this is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Every individual has unique needs that are not linear because we as humans are always changing and evolving.

I’ve found that in order to allow your creative genius to flourish you need:

  1. Structure and freedom

  2. Constraint and surrender

  3. Safety and uncertainty

That's part of the reason why when you hire me as your coach, we work through the 9-step process I’ve created called “Prosperous on Purpose” where you learn the tools to align with your creative purpose in a thrilling “choose your own adventure” kind of way.

The cool thing is, you have me holding you accountable, asking you insightful questions, and cheering you on the entire way.

Here are the 3 main reasons that my Prosperous on Purpose coaching process works:

1. The process has been tested and proven by dozens of people

I always say that I was my first client. I’ve used (and still use) the exact process that I teach my clients and know it works because I’m living proof. I’ve struggled at many different points in my life to figure out what my purpose was here on this earth. Through that struggle, I’ve designed a coaching process that has helped me and so many others uncover what their heart desires and create the courage and confidence to pursue it.

Here are a few case studies from my clients:

A look back on this  Graphic Design Client

What was happening in your life and career when we started coaching and what did you want? I was having a hard time dedicating time to design and building a creative career. I was lacking the confidence to go after and even talk about my goals. I wanted someone to hold me accountable to be consistently creating and help me figure out what I actually want.

What hesitations did you have about coaching and working with me? I wasn't sure if I had the time to dedicate to coaching, and whether we would be a good fit in terms of communication and goal-setting.

What specific results have you achieved since we started working together?

-  I’ve built up a stronger portfolio that showcases my style and interests with consistent work throughout the past 3 months

- Learned to reframe my current state to be grateful for what I have and my background in business

- I have a style/list of brands that inspire me that I want to hone in on

- Two new clients in discussion that I'm super excited about

- Greater understanding of sourcing clients, legal agreements, and networking

What has been the most beneficial learning, information, and insights about yourself that you have gained from our coaching work? a sense of clarity - I've put a lot of thought into what I care about and why I even felt the desire to pursue my graphic design interests through our homework and calls. I remember a few weeks into coaching, you saying, 'Let's table the Etsy store, because what you actually want to do is freelance and work with creative clients and that was a huge moment for me. Practicing how to verbally communicate my work and my values have also been a huge help when talking to clients.

What else has shifted in your life as a result of our coaching work? I no longer have fear of failure because I've learned that with enough work, consistency, and practice, I can accomplish and manifest anything!

I don't let myself get bogged down by negative self-talk as much.

I feel inspired to meet new people and network outside of my comfort zone.

I feel confident enough to post about my services and take on clients.

Who have you become? A Creative!! A Graphic Designer!!Also someone who believes in energy attraction, and someone who is confident in the value they bring to the table.

What’s next for you? Upcoming challenges, goals, and vision: 

Landing more clients, managing client relationships and projects professionally, and staying consistent with my creative output

What did you like best about working with me? Having someone to hold me accountable to my weekly goals and your ability to reframe a negative situation or thought. Also, your willingness to talk about anything on my mind and well as the exercises and assignments

What’s the most important thing people should know about working with me? You are wonderful for anyone looking for some guidance and structure in their lives. You have a warm energy that makes people feel safe, seen, and understood.

Would you recommend me and my services? If so, why and to whom? Yes! I would recommend Lauryn to anyone who is feeling lost on what their creative goals are and need a push to get to the next level. Lauryn is great at helping you set realistic goals, reframe negative thoughts, and focus on what really matters to you.

A look back on this  Entertainment Client

What was happening in your life and career when we started coaching and what did you want? I had a sum of money and I wanted to learn how to create money more reliably. I also wanted to understand how to create art sustainability and how to be a pop star.

What hesitations did you have about coaching and working with me? I wasn’t sure whether or not working together would be something that “stuck”; I wasn’t sure if the coaching would be able to help me actually make money as a musician or if it would actually change my beliefs in a tangible way.

What specific results have you achieved since we started working together? 

I released my first single off my EP

I created a release schedule

I hired a manager

I made my first money through my LLC

I got my first residency as an artist/singer and got paid

I paid my first subcontractors

I created merchandise

I recorded in a professional studio

I made mistakes and unfulfilling purchases as well as fulfilling ones

What has been the most beneficial learning, information, and insights about yourself that you have gained from our coaching work? Which work fulfills me and which doesn’t. One day of fulfilling work can carry me very far. I learned how to create specific works of art and learned firsthand the process of making things happen.

What else has shifted in your life as a result of our coaching work? I feel confident in my understanding of the process of manifestation/creation and have become a bit more creative and confident because of it.

Who have you become? a bitty baby pop star lol. I am definitely at the beginning of my journey and am staying humble as I learn because I know I have quite a path ahead of me.

What did you like best about working with me? I enjoyed the ideas you brought to the table as well as the questions you asked

What’s the most important thing people should know about working with me? Creative coaches can help you recognize your own value. Working with a coach can help you push through blocks that might keep you stuck otherwise for a long time.

Would you recommend me and my services? If so, why and to whom? I would recommend your services to women who are young in their creative journey and who want to learn more about how to take things from ideas and bring them to the physical. I would recommend you to women specifically because I think it’s important for women to know how to give birth from idea to physical and I am biased at the moment.

I have progressed so much throughout my coaching program, especially in my confidence in my creative abilities, which are essential to offering creative services and selling to clients. Lauryn is able to help tackle all parts of the process, including but limited to creative roadblocks, fear of failure, and even the logistics of starting a business from the ground up. She is organized and professional with her coaching programming and scheduling, so you can really focus on the content and progress as a client.

2. It's tailored to each individual to meet them where they are 

We work through your specific obstacles and set goals from there. Since you are in a unique place in your life and career, your coaching program will start at a place tailored to your needs and circumstances – this is not a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all program. 

You might be working a corporate job at Squarespace and decide you need help developing a portfolio for the graphic design business you’ve always wanted to start.

You might have a successful career doing voiceover for audiobooks and commercials, but dream of being in a Marvel movie.

Or maybe you work at a bookstore and dream of sharing your paintings on social media and selling your paintings at art fairs.

Or maybe you work with kids as a coach and want to publish your music on Spotify, open up for Billie Eilish, and eventually win a Grammy.

Wherever you’re at, I’ll meet you where you are.

3. I’m not “just a coach.” 

Every coach comes with a completely different background and training. I’ve been in the arts, entertainment, and publishing world for 17 years now. Not only does my background help provide you with knowledge of the art world and creative industries, but it also makes it easier for you to feel seen, heard, and understood because I speak the same language as other creatives.

Just like a doctor, scientist, or mechanic speaks a specific language - so do creatives. 

A lot of my clients appreciate this specific detail about working with me over another business or career coach. We speak the same language, talking about aesthetics, the creative process, limiting beliefs that creatives deal with like imposter syndrome, fear of being seen, and breaking through the starving artists' mentality.

Additionally, my journey has not been easy and yet I’ve been able to excel and transform my own life in so many ways. There’s proof in the pudding. 

What are you waiting for? Book your free clarity call with me today. 

Lauryn Hill