Top 9 reasons people don't invest in coaching (and why you should!)

As a coach for creatives, I hear a lot of roadblocks when it comes to what my clients are struggling with. Most thought it daunting to even take that first step in entertaining the idea. But those who did take that first step, received something greater than they ever expected – momentum

Starting anything is probably one of the most challenging things humans face when trying to “figure things out.” That’s because looking at the big picture can feel so overwhelming! But one thing I know for certain is that one tiny step forward adds to your bank – your momentum bank, that is. 

That first tiny step can make you feel so much more accomplished than you ever thought possible. I know, because my clients tell me about it all the time. 

But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves 😉

When your momentum bank is running on empty, you can think of all the reasons why you shouldn’t invest in coaching. 

Things like… 

❌: Coaching seems too expensive 

Let’s do a little breakdown of your likely expenses:

Average monthly food and drink - $600

New wardrobe for summer - $700

New iPhone - $1,200

Monthly rent - $2,200

Upcoming vacation - $3,000

Three months of career and mindset coaching that will change your life forever - PRICELESS
It’s funny how we don’t think twice about some expenses, and others seem VERY expensive. Coaching is an investment that gives back for years to come, plus helps you make more money and feel more at peace. How do you put a price on that? 

❌: Is this coach credible/trustworthy/I don't know who to trust

Sometimes this thought can be a huge distraction keeping you from just making a decision, choosing someone, and getting started. 

BTW - there is no one almighty, perfect coach that is going to fix all of your problems.

Also, this is what the consultation call and strategy session are for! How will you ever know if someone is trustworthy or can help if you don’t even talk to them? 

I recommend doing your research, asking questions, and using your intuition. Only you know who you vibe with and who you feel safe and supported by.

❌: I don't believe in myself enough to commit

No one 100% believes in themselves all of the time, that’s why they hire a coach! 

Through the process of coaching, you learn how to grow your belief in yourself and continue to show up even at your lowest moments.

It’s okay to not fully believe in yourself and do things anyway! You just have to be willing to feel discomfort sometimes.

And what’s worse? 

The discomfort of feeling miserable and stuck?

The discomfort of trying something new and going after your dream with the help and support of a trained professional?

❌: It's going to be too much work/ I’m too busy

You're too busy to listen to that inner knowing that keeps sending you messages that you’re ready for more? 

You think celebrating, strategizing, and working on your mindset for an hour once a week is going to kill your social life or dig into your show-binging time? 

❌: Maybe this is just a hobby?

That’s just a thought. (A limiting one) Does it even serve you to think that?

If you want something bad enough you’ll figure out a way to make it happen and align with the thoughts you’ll need to think to make it happen.

Or hire a coach to help you learn how :)

❌: I'm scared to be seen / insecure 

This was me. 

I used to be terrified to be seen. I would freeze and my mind would go blank in 1:1 or group situations. I felt unsure of what to share and worried about what people would think about it.

But with practice progress is made. 

I’ve also learned some mindset shifts to inspire me into action and to step through fear. I coach these techniques to all my clients because the truth is - WE ALL STRUGGLE WITH THIS ONE in some way or another.

❌: I need permission 

The only reason you think you need permission from someone else is because you don’t want to take 100% responsibility for your results if you “fail.”

You don’t need permission to believe in yourself.

You don’t need permission to get results.

All you need is the decision to commit to believing in yourself and getting results. You’re the only one who can make that decision.

❌: What is coaching anyway?

Coaching is a neutral place where you can show up regularly to develop more belief that the things you desire in life are possible and to strategize a plan to make them happen.

❌: Where do I even start? 

Start by signing up for a free 15-minute Career Clarity Session with yours truly. That way, we can get to know each other a little better, discuss what issues you are currently facing in your work life and I see how I might be able to help!

That momentum bank we talked about earlier? I have a hunch it’s in need of some filling up. When you work with me, I worry about the big picture so you can focus on those small steps that will move you forward, faster than you ever thought possible!

CoachingLauryn Hill