Cold Email Pitching Cheat Sheet (A Step-By-Step Guide)

Are you looking to create more paying clients?

How about some BIG regular clients who have you on retainer? 

Sounds fabulous to me!

Problem is… there are a million and half ways to make this happen and it can feel super  overwhelming to figure out which approach to take.

Well you’re in luck!

I’m making it easy for you in detailing out one of my top 5 methods of creating new paying clients: 


This blog is your cheat sheet, guiding you through a step by step process that will unlock doors to a variety of new opportunities!

By following the strategies and tips outlined below, you can utilize cold emailing as a powerful tool for engaging potential clients, creating meaningful relationships, and making more money!

So, here we go… 

Cheat Sheet to Cold Email Pitching

1. Learn the ABCs to pitching your offer

a. Gather portfolio work to share

Whether you have your work on a website, social media profile, or just in a folder on your desktop, the first step in learning the keys to marketing yourself is gathering your work in one place.

When you organize your work that shows your range and areas of expertise all in one place, it’s easier for you to put words to what it is that you do. 

It’s also a great way for your ideal clients to get an idea of what they can expect from you.

If you don't have much finished work yet, that’s okay too! 

I suggest giving yourself portfolio projects similar to what your dream client would give you, so that you can gain experience and beef up your sample archive. 

This is one of the things I help my clients with a lot since it can be hard to choose portfolio projects and stay accountable to completing the work on your own.

b. Write a short “about me” with an alluring curiosity hook. 

Now that you have your work all in one place, list out characteristics of the similarities you see as well as what makes your work unique. 

Ask yourself questions like:

⭐️ Why would someone want to work with you rather than the next person? 

⭐️ How would you describe your style and aesthetic?

⭐️ How would you characterize the genres or themes you typically work with?

Here’s an example from one of my clients that I’m currently coaching through this process:

“UK based multi disciplinary designer specializing primarily in the fashion, lifestyle and beauty industries. Designer who connects your audiences through customer experience and innovative design, leaving a lasting impression. Creating captivating designs that not only visually stand out but enhance the customer experience. Elevating designs and empowering experiences.”

You don’t have to make it super polished, just get some basic statements down on paper. You will see how we use this “about me” in example #1 of the email template below.

C. Let go of limiting thoughts that block you from the result you want to create

What’s the #1 thing getting in the way of you creating what you desire? 

Your 👏🏼 limiting 👏🏽 thoughts! 👏🏿

This is because when you have a limiting thought it can derail you from taking action toward your desired goal.

Here are some of the most common limiting thoughts that I've seen pop up while pitching for new clients with cold emails.

❌ “My work isn't good enough” or “I don't have enough experience”

❌ “No one will respond” or “This isn't going to work”

❌ “I don’t know what I’m doing” or “I don't know what to say”

❌ “This feels cringe” or “I feel salesy”

None of these thoughts serve you to create more clients and more money.


And you have a choice whether you want to believe the limiting thought or let it go and take action anyway.

It’s 100% normal for these limiting thoughts to pop up from time to time, especially if you’re doing something new or outside your comfort zone.

The key is to have awareness of when they pop up, feel all the feelings that they create (cry, scream, or stomp it out 🤣), then consciously release them so that they don’t hold you back from taking action.

D. Just do it

Literally, that’s it! 

Just 👏🏻 do 👏🏼 the 👏🏽 damn 👏🏾 thing 👏🏿

The more you do it, the easier it gets. 

And you just never know when a cold email is going to make it into the inbox of the perfect client.

I made a $40,000 sale that way when I was a wholesale rep for TASCHEN… so I know from experience, IT WORKS.

2. Decide who to target

Research types of dream businesses or individuals that resonate with your skills, passions, and preferences.

You can search through Google, Instagram, or LinkedIn and type in keywords that you’re passionate about or even use some of the keywords from your “about me” statement. (Ex. A UK innovative luxury fashion brand.)

See what comes up and take notes on anything that really lights you up inside or even makes you feel jealous or envious. 

The intention is not to make you feel bad about yourself and where you’re at, but instead, expand your brain to see what dream possibilities exist.

Make a list of all the brands or individuals that really stand out to you.

While you are doing this research, read through the about page of the company or individual, and find books, interviews, or podcasts for inspiration. Taking time to understand what you love about this brand will help you create a more compelling email to them. 

Now, take it one step further by looking for contact information either on their website or social media. Then, when you have your email pitching template ready to go, you can email or message them with ease.

If you’re not sure who to contact, go to the company's LinkedIn page and search through people that work there. Look for people who have a job similar to your ideal contact and see if you can find their email or note down their profile so that you can send them a direct message.

You can use websites like to help you uncover larger company’s email address format and then plug in the name of the person you found on LinkedIn. 

3. Create a custom email template to send to prospects

Now take some time to use the about me statement you created from step 1 to concoct a sample pitching email.

Make sure it sounds authentic for you and matches the vibe of the work that you are presenting. 

Don't just copy and paste someone else's template (or the templates below)! People can see right through that. 

Do the actual work so that you can practice communicating about your work at a high level and attract your dream clients.

Here are some sample templates that I’ve worked on with my clients:

Example #1 - Graphic Designer

Dear _____,

Hello! I’m ______, a UK based multi-disciplinary designer specializing primarily in the fashion, lifestyle, and beauty industries. 

I am passionate about creating captivating designs that not only visually stand out but enhance the customer experience.

I love your brand and that you deeply care about the community you've built. 

I’d be happy to help elevate your designs and further your mission of creating empowering experiences by connecting your audiences through customer experience and innovative design, and leaving a lasting impression.

All my best,

(include 3- 5 relevant images below and link website/social)

Example #2 - Photographer

Dear _____,

My name is _____ and I'm a fashion and music photographer currently based in Los Angeles. 

I create imagery that tells a story in a timeless way with an experimental spin. My inspiration stems from human connection, architecture, travel, and music. 

I’m a big fan of your brand, and I’d be really excited to create compelling photography with your products.

I’m available for projects like lookbooks, influencer campaigns, new product launches, social media content, and updating website assets.

Here are some examples of my work that would be similar to something I could create for you. 

Let me know if this is of interest to you or if you could please connect me with the appropriate contact.

All my best,


(include 3- 5 relevant images below and link website/social)

Example #3 - Illustrator

Dear _____,

My name is ____, I am an illustrator based in Seattle who specializes in whimsical artwork that incorporates play with everyday life. 

I am a huge fan of ______ and see the impact your brand has by tying emotions and experiences into all aspects of life. 

I resonate with the importance that playful storytelling has in order to create deeper connection and a greater sense of community.

I would love to discuss in more detail if there are any opportunities where my work might fit in. If you could please make sure this email is sent to the appropriate contact, I would greatly appreciate it.

Here are some samples of my work and a link to my site.

All my best,


(include 3- 5 relevant images below and link website/social)

So there you have it: My cold email pitching cheat sheet!

Sending out cold emails is just one of the many ways to create new clients. If you need help with this process or want support creating and taking action on other ways to get more paying clients, that is exactly the type of work we do in 1:1 Career Coaching for Creatives

There are an endless amount of ways to create more paying clients in your business, and I am here to help you find and commit to the ways that work for you.

So, what are you waiting for?!

Schedule a free 60 minute Career Strategy Consultation and let’s get going!

Talk soon,


Lauryn HillComment